What Drives Me; Why I Train

9 years ago

Alice Munro wrote in her commencement speech at Penn, "Here’s the thing about self-comparison: In addition to making you vacate…

Improving Your Golf Game by Improving Your Body Strength

9 years ago

Over the last 20 years, we’ve seen golf evolve from a “chess game” with players of all shapes and sizes…

What’s your BHAG?

9 years ago

BHAG (Acronym): Big Hairy Audacious Goal Used in a sentence: "Getting to the Olympics is a BHAG!" A term coined…

Defying Gravity As You Age

11 years ago

It’s a question that you’re sure to ask yourself at one time or another as you pass certain age milestones:“I’m…

Smarter Training for Older Runners

11 years ago

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result: That’s the definition of insanity! Yet, when I…

Summer Training: Prepping Your High Schooler For The Next Level

11 years ago

When your child has been heavily involved in a sports activity in high school and performed well, you (and your…

Low Carb or No Carb?

11 years ago

Over the last 10 years or so, it feels like there’s been a bit of a “war on carbs.” Recall…

6 Strategies More Effective Than Counting Calories

11 years ago

“If I can just stay in this calorie range for the day, I’ll be golden.” Well, not exactly. Counting calories…

Tiny Losses, Big Spikes and Why the Scale Is Not Your Friend

11 years ago

Every morning, you repeat the same drill with your scale. Step on the scale, step off the scale. Based on…

Winter Cycling Series Begins December 5!

12 years ago

Are you ready?  - - At Body by G Coaching by G we believe that training needs to be specific…