Center Yourself

2 years ago

When I consider the concept of what and how we feed ourselves the word fitness comes to mind. Fitness is…

How The Power of Commitment Will Change Your Life

2 years ago

Watch now and learn how to tap into the power of your commitment. When I set out on my journey…

Sometimes the Blockage is the Way to Acceptance

3 years ago

Yoni. What does that even mean, I wondered.  It is the place from which we are all born.  The sacred…

Conscious Living

3 years ago

Scott Fitzgerald is famous for his novels and for his letters. In particular, a letter to his daughter, which he…

Ayurvedic Cleanse

3 years ago

Currently, I am engaged in a transformational journey through cleansing.  This is a cleanse led by Debby Andersen.   These are…

Waiting for a miracle

3 years ago

It’s Super Bowl Sunday.  I remember when the Super Bowl was in January.  It seems every season is prolonged.  I…

Its 2022 – so what you gonna do?

3 years ago

As the end of another year is upon us, I am considering as I do often, how my life is…

Client Spotlight: Lucy Goodwin and Lynn Scheir

3 years ago

Lucy Goodwin, 18, and her grandmother Lynn Sheir are both Coaching by G clients: (more…)

Anger Meditation

3 years ago

Do you know that feeling when you are looking for something to make you feel better? I don’t drink or…

Strong Word

4 years ago

This is the day my momma Rose (Rosabel Rhodes Isetti), would have turned 87.  She was born August 18, 1934…