Online Courses

I have created an online training called Fit From Within to help you move forward in all of your health goals. In this course, we will meet live 4 times (every other week) to answer any questions and to go deeper into the material covered in each lesson. As a strength coach and healer, I specialize in weaving the science of movement with awareness and mindfulness required to create lasting change. When you purchase the course you will receive all of the lessons including the bonus module on nutrition!  Each module is full of videos, guidance, worksheets, journaling prompts, and much more.

This digital course is designed to allow you to move at your own pace while gaining clarity around your specific goals and practices that help you grow into the person you want to be. This is something that looks different for each of us; it is a personal journey.

We hold live Group Calls two seasons a year where we come together as a supportive community. Fit From Within is a self-paced course designed to empower you to move at your own rhythm, gain clarity on your goals, and cultivate practices to shift the relationship with yourself from the inside out. Once you become a member you will have access to the material for life and you are welcome to join any of the calls every time we are going live.

Fit From Within Waitlist