I was delighted to hear from a few of you in regard to my last blog–thanks for your responses and for your willingness to try something new…ignoring the scale! The scale is one of those things, like social media, that can give us immediate permission to sink into negative thinking simply due to a number. And we don’t need permission to feel good, just do it–without checking on the scale or the number of likes and followers. I’m glad to have elicited some thoughts and agreement, but please feel free to respond if you disagree as well.
One reader said, “It’s easy to put Coach G on a pedestal. Who among us hasn’t? What I love about this post is that while G shares some of her vulnerabilities, she does so with the sort of self-love and presence of mind that will inspire movement over stagnation or resentment. “
This is certainly my intention and my hope! She goes on to say, “I love the permission she grants in this post. What really stuck out to me was the idea that if it takes two whole weeks to get out of balance, how could it not also take two whole weeks to get back into balance?”
Yes, it can be that simple, as long as we don’t let the scale dictate the attitude.
“I also like the pragmatic approach to time, sleep, nutrition, and rhythm. When I nurture my more routinized, introverted side, I often feel guilty for not *doing more* and *getting out there more* (I’m looking at you, Instagram). To have Coach G remind us that it’s actually staying home in the dark months that might be most fulfilling is a refreshing look at a time of year that we often ask the most of ourselves, right when we’d like to stick to those calm routines and home-cooked, healthful foods.”
What a treat to have such a well-articulated response. Another reader remarked that “There is so much talk in our society about punishing your body (especially as a woman). I love that you agree it’s important to love yourself and create the rhythm/lifestyle that works for you.”
Exactly. Let’s not buy into ideas that don’t nourish us, body, mind, and spirit.
She continues, “Ever since I birthed children, I have been working on not only accepting my “new” body but appreciating it for what it’s done for me. Instead of hating it for not being some random weight/size, I am working on honoring its purpose in my life. I do not keep a scale in my house, and I’m happier that way.”
A third reader responds, “Although I haven’t had a scale in years, I know where I can find one. If I truly wanted to base my happiness on my weight in scale-numbers, I would weigh myself only in late August, after a summer of salads and bike rides. So I do agree about not weighing myself when I’m out of balance or post-holiday. And I agree that it’s more important to begin the year feeling positive than feeling recriminatory. So, in addition to doing the “don’t weigh myself” part of the program, I also, every time it occurred to me to wonder just how many pounds I actually have gained since August, changed my mind, switched my focus, to simply asking myself how do I feel right now? I actually felt fine, physically–it’s just my mind that wants to validate self-recrimination with the number on the scale. As a yoga teacher, I know that that’s simply what the mind does if we let it.”

Another reader said the blog “hit a bulls-eye for me. Almost everything you mentioned in regard to how the holiday eating, traveling and hosting takes its toll was spot on. In fact, almost TOO accurate, which makes me wonder if Coach G is like the Elf on the Shelf. Hmmm?
“All kidding aside, I took great comfort in the advice to not get on the scale for two weeks. Nothing to be “gained” from my regret and shame over my holiday health indiscretions. My biggest takeaway is the confirmation that yes, my body really likes routine, and when I am out of my routine, I suffer for it. But, it’s not the end of the world. Next holiday season I will still enjoy the festivities but plan to consciously incorporate a few more healthy habits to ensure my body is happy too.”
Another reader said, “Wow! I really needed this blog read. I couldn’t agree more. The holidays were wonderful and overindulgent, for sure! I, as many people do, started to beat myself regarding overeating and not exercising. My sleep was off, my digestive system was out of whack and I felt sluggish. I chose to give myself a break and get back to routine. It’s amazing how quickly my body responded to a healthier routine: more water, more sleep, more clean foods, and no alcohol. Not only was it an easy change but made me feel so much better!”
Thank you for sharing your experience. I am thrilled with the responses and happy that at least of few of you stayed off the scale until your routine was restored. I suspect your body and mind were happy too! Keep up the great work and be kind to yourselves.
Stay strong!