“I honestly don’t know where I would be without Coach G’s programming. I have struggled with body image my entire life, exercising to an unhealthy amount and unhealthy diets, but her program has helped me rebuild my relationship with exercise and has made me realize that being stronger is so much better than being unhealthily thin. When I rowed for my high school, I gained a ton of lower body strength, but I had no upper body muscles. Since working with Coach G, my upper body has become so much stronger and I can now do things where a year ago, they would be impossible. My mental health has improved tremendously as well. When I look in the mirror, I now see all of the amazing progress that I have made instead of all the things wrong with my body. So thank you Coach G. Thank you for helping me accept my body for all of the amazing things it can do.” – Alice Campbell
Client Spotlight: Alice Campbell