Many people have a strongly held belief that youth can erase the effects of bad habits – insufficient sleep, junk food, poor movement. I (Coach G) specialize in coaching athletic teens across the US and Mexico. I am often confronted with a level of misinformation surrounding the topic of adolescent health that has helped me to clarify key lifestyle tips for athletic teens. First and foremost, know that no person can outrun bad choices. You are what you repeatedly do.
Category: Physical Fitness Training
How a Youth Sports Coach Certification is Used to Inspire
Once they have a Youth Sports Coach certification, what does a Youth Sports Coach actually do? I can’t tell you what other coaches do, but I can tell you what I do. My work with young athletes encompasses so much more than strength and conditioning coaching. (more…)
The Last Fitness Regimen You Will Ever Need
The last fitness regimen you will ever need is not about doing the same thing every day until you die. In fact, the last fitness regimen you will ever need is not a training program—it is a lifestyle.
When you learn how to create lasting changes in small daily habits, you have found the last fitness regimen you will ever need. Habits create rhythm and routine and are two key components of the last fitness regimen you will ever need.
As my client Mike says, “The secret to your future is hidden in your daily routine.” (more…)
Why Coaching?
Why Coaching? I (Coach Tia) get this question a lot from family members and friends. I first fell in love with fitness and sport at a young age. The second I figured out I was a fast runner, I always wanted to race people every chance I got! My best friend knew this about me and when we got to high school she pushed me to join the track team. That was all I needed to do to know that fitness and sport would be a part of my life forever. My love for running track took me to college, which was a big game changer, especially the first time I stepped foot in a weight room. Seeing movements such as jerk, power clean, dead lift and snatch had me terrified and uncomfortable. I had never picked up a bar before and was scared at the thought of performing the exercises I saw performed so well by the upperclassmen. Although I was scared out of my mind, I pushed myself outside of my comfort zone, stuck with the training, and slowly but surely got better at performing the lifts. As I got comfortable in the weight room, I knew I wanted to be around this environment for the long run. (more…)
Client Spotlight: Mari Wolkstein
Mari Wolkstein is a competitive hockey defensewoman. She is small but mighty. It has been so much fun to watch this young athlete develop physically and emotionally. Mari has grit. She is determined with a deep sense of purpose. She is an athlete who needs no external motivation, because her engine is fired deep within. That level of motivation, a strong inner force that causes behavior, is a rare quality in anyone – but especially someone of Mari’s age. Her athletic achievements are astounding. She is not only training with Coaching by G 4-6 days a week, but playing hockey as much, traveling to tournaments, a rockstar in the classroom, an avid reader, guitar player, and much more. Mari is an example to everyone in the gym: she is not waiting for her life to happen, she is actively engaged in designing the life she wants. (Are you struggling with designing the life you want, specifically when it comes to diet? Here’s a whole bunch of nutritional know-how to help you harness the power of your biochemistry.) (more…)
Good Tips for Injury Prevention in Young Athletes
Hooray! Summer is finally arrived in the Midwest. And with it, the uptick in outdoor activities and sports programs for youth. Some of the advice we like to offer for injury prevention in young athletes is pretty common sense, but worthy of a reminder. (more…)
A Youth Sports Coach Who Has “Been There”
I became a youth sports coach to help youth to become better athletes so that they can choose their own path; because that is what I needed when I was their age.
Do you, or the youth in your life, struggle with confidence, trusting the process, injury, understanding your own biochemistry, navigating life-sleep and nutrition and balancing academics, sport, and social life? Me too! As a teen, I was unsure of what to eat to support the body and achieve the sport goals that I wanted. I had no understanding of the importance of quality sleep. My basketball, field hockey, and track coaches gave me conflicting advise for training and, as a teen, anything my parents offered I immediately dismissed because it came from them—I mean, what do parents know? :). (more…)
Training: From Injury to Recovery
The road in training from injury to recovery can be long and arduous – and yet it is always an opportunity for growth. Injury is a great equalizer, because as human beings we all experience something that sidelines us. Whether you workout a lot or sit too much for your job, your body has to adapt to what you do. Sitting all day does not prevent injury, in fact we know the opposite is true. Regardless of how you get injured, though, I am sure that it is not part of your plan and yet, injury is an opportunity to learn new ways to be in your body. How to get from injury to recovery is as individual as anything you do. While every injury is different, it is likely that there were signals along that way that you ignored (more…)
Why, When, and How Does Remote Fitness Coaching Work?
At Coaching by G, we work with you to discover what motivates you to want to become the best version of yourself. We know that is different for everyone, and that it changes over time with the ebb and flow of life. At Coaching by G we also know that coaching (remotely or in person) is all about the relationship we build together. When you schedule your free consultation we begin building the relationship that will help to change your life.
Spring is the BEST Time to Start a Training Program
We live in Chicago where weather is a fickle thing. Here we are in April with snow AND THEN 80’s! Summer is actually coming and with it, the desire to wear less clothing. That means looking at parts of your body that have been covered up for months. And that means it is the best time to start a training program!