Coaching by G

Keeping Healthy Habits During a Pandemic


“A journey of a thousand steps must begin with a single step.” Lao-tzu

In light of the current situation with the COVID-19 viral scare, a piece about healthy habits – and specifically keeping healthy habits during a pandemic – is just what the doctor ordered. As a PhD Biochemist, I am up to date on the available literature regarding the virus and know a lot about viruses in general.  Without going into the mechanisms of viral infection, I would love to remind everyone that the best defense is a great offense–especially in the case of a virus. If you are healthy, your job is to stay healthy. If you are unfortunately in the midst of an illness, especially cancer treatment and any and all respiratory illness, please follow the orders from your attending physician.  This blog is not intended to be a cure recommendation; it is a reminder to maintain or begin or keep healthy habits that support your immune system. (more…)

Client Spotlight: Karen Steward-Nolan


“2020 marks a new beginning for me. I’m enthusiastically joining Body By G and I’m all in. I’m working at the studio a number of hours here and there, wherever and whenever G. needs a boost or a helping hand. At the same time, I’m jumping in as a training client, getting my body into a new sort of shape and strength–of all the fitness and health and sport I’ve engaged in throughout my life, I haven’t had much (if any) coaching on weightlifting specifically, and I’ve never had the ongoing support of a training coach. What better way to learn the forms that I’d like to be able to help the clients at the gym with than by making myself vulnerable and taking on this new practice. I’ve also launched a course of study program with ACE Fitness to fulfill a certification for a Personal Trainer. (more…)

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