Coaching by G

Client Spotlight: Rob Bartlett


“I became a client of Giulia two years ago.  I was planning a long, cross country bike ride and my wife was convinced that I would die on some steep ride through the mountains and my answer was to say that I would sign up with a physical trainer to prepare for the ride (five months in the future).  It was a bit of a dodge on my part as I had assumed that my years of putting in thousands of miles of riding along with merely riding day by day during the trip would get me into shape as the ride progressed. (more…)

A Valentine’s Day Gift to Yourself

Are you SO excited to head to the gym to train? And are you SO excited to embark on a healthful eating plan? I didn’t think so.  For most people—those people who are not trainers or competitive athletes or both, for instance—going to the gym is a chore, and eating what’s “good” for you is a chore. Rather than feeling the benefits of the workout (in advance) or the delight of your body (in advance) it is much easier to focus on what you can’t eat, or what you can’t do…or how strenuous the workout is going to be? That’s old programming. (more…)

The scale shouldn’t dictate the attitude.

I was delighted to hear from a few of you in regard to my last blog–thanks for your responses and for your willingness to try something new…ignoring the scale! The scale is one of those things, like social media, that can give us immediate permission to sink into negative thinking simply due to a number. And we don’t need permission to feel good, just do it–without checking on the scale or the number of likes and followers. I’m glad to have elicited some thoughts and agreement, but please feel free to respond if you disagree as well.


Client Spotlight: Eric Peck

“The only thing constant in our lives is change.  Aware of it or not, our bodies are constantly changing, adapting to what we consciously or unconsciously do or not do with our bodies, what we give it for fuel or what we neglect to give it for fuel. 

At 54, I have gone through many cycles of being in both good and poor condition. I have been training on and off for 40 years with some large peaks, some large valleys, and overall more peaks than valleys.  However, in the last few years, I was having difficulty getting into a solid, regular workout routine. Fortunately, I happened upon Giulia. 

I learned that she was a coach with multiple training certifications and that she competes. She suggested I come into her gym so she could “push me around a bit” and offered to help me with dietary issues. I didn’t want to go in there being out of shape, I wanted to get going on my own so that there would be something for her to push around.  But when I realized that I was not doing anything on my own I decided to give Giulia a go. That was the toughest part.” – Eric Peck, Coaching by G client

Client Spotlight: Paul Knight

“So, why do you run?” That’s a question that I’ve been asked many times during my 50 years of running.  “I enjoy it,” “It makes me feel better,” and “Because I can” are some of the stock answers that I’ve used. Those answers are short and to the point but really don’t express why I’ve run over 46,000 miles, including 35+ marathons and ultra-marathons and numerous shorter races. (more…)

Client Spotlight: Michael F. Hennessey

Michael F. Hennessey

“I can’t believe that I’ve known G for almost 9 ½ years.  My wife Kathie met G about 11 years ago when G instructed a training class at the YMCA in Oak Park.  Kathie then followed her when G opened her Studio on Chicago Avenue. Kathie was so impressed with G that she purchased a training gift certificate for me as a birthday gift a few months later.  I had never worked with a personal trainer and honestly thought that her gift was a waste of money. I still remember asking G during my first session if she could just give me a list of exercises that I could do at home.  Fortunately, I soon realized the significant value of working with a personal trainer like G. (more…)

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