Success is a journey, not a destination. And Coaching by G is about being there for you throughout your journey. In this blog, Coach Giulia not only shares fitness training and nutrition tips but motivation and personal stories for inspiration.
at the height of my anorexia,
giulia told me about the spark of light inside all of us
how it waxed and waned with starvation
and how it is who we are
more than the muscle she helps build
or the fat protecting our bodies
we are light. (more…)
What you don’t change you choose.
During the shutdown, I had a few experiences that were really painful and I remember distinctly beginning to complain about those experiences. And then I said to myself “Well, Giulia, what you don’t change, you choose.“
So I chose to change…… and that is how I bought a commercial property for Coaching by G! (more…)
“All streams flow to the sea. It is lower than they are. Humility gives it its power.” -Lao Tzu
I am an eternal optimist. I wear a t-shirt that states “The glass is ALWAYS full: 1/2 air, 1/2 water.” Even on my darkest days, I know the next dawn will bring renewal. (more…)
“I’ve been working with Giulia for around 9 months now, and I’m so grateful to have her in my life. We’ve never even met in person! Though we’re based in different states, we meet weekly via Zoom, and I always look forward to our appointments. Even over the phone, Giulia’s enthusiasm for life is contagious, even – or perhaps especially – on those days when I’d rather go crawl in a hole. After a bad day or a bad week, one hour with her is like fueling up at the gas station, giving me a boost of energy to help me climb back out of my hole and continue on my journey. (more…)
“What are you up to in the world?” This question was recently posed to me and it was food for thought.
“Once a man was about to cross the sea. A wise man tied a leaf in a corner of his robe and said to him: “Don’t be afraid. Have faith and walk on the water. But look here – the moment you lose faith you will drown.” -Sri Ramakrishna
As above, so below.
As within, so without. (more…)
This morning, I saw this quote on Instagram: “You need to hang out with people who fit your future, not your history. Hang out with people who inspire you and force you to level up.”
Of course, no one knows what the future holds—but we can hope and dream and I hope you are doing that especially right now!!! (more…)
“Both my parents were athletes, my mother a triathlete and my father a football/rugby player. I have always been an active kid, however, I didn’t really get into sports until middle and high school. I did things like ballet and gymnastics, was “encouraged” to quit basketball and soccer in second grade because of my lack of engagement and coordination, and got DQ’ed from a swim race when I did TOPS swimming for doing butterfly style wrong. (more…)
Winter…in Chicago. While making some winter plans for myself, I have thought a lot about how we can make the most of this time. It’s a dreary time of year in Chicago for me. It’s cold and gray and to my surprise, there is far less snow than I thought there would be when I moved here 15 years ago. Wow…15 years! I never imagined I would be in Chicago this long. Since I opened Coaching by G on Chicago Avenue eleven years ago, a lot has changed, but here I am, wintering in place because there is a pandemic. Little feels normal right now…whatever normal means. In reality, our version of “normal” is just a construct. We construct the things we need when we need them. Isn’t that kind of fabulous? It is, and yet sometimes we construct things that don’t actually serve us well. (more…)
“I honestly don’t know where I would be without Coach G’s programming. I have struggled with body image my entire life, exercising to an unhealthy amount and unhealthy diets, but her program has helped me rebuild my relationship with exercise and has made me realize that being stronger is so much better than being unhealthily thin. (more…)